Friday, May 7, 2010


I went to my Endocrinologist on Monday, she increased my dose from 20 mg of Methimazole to 25 mg. I thought things would be getting better. But starting Tuesday, my right eye has been twitching almost nonstop, the shooting pains are back and I am very cranky!

I want this all to stop! The thought of RAI still scares me, even though friends who have had it,  have said they wished they'd done it sooner instead of going through what I am. On the other hand, this could all go into remission...for a while. Apparently it's destined to come back.  The other option (which my Dr. has Not mentioned) is surgery to remove my thyroid. To me, none of these options seem right. 

I think we as a society need to find ways to prevent thyroid disease as well as treatment options. Future generations shouldn't have to go through this.
But how does one go about finding ways or researching something so complex?
My plan for the year is to hunt on the internet and find out as much as I can about the thyroid, iodine, how they interact, and what can be done to prevent the thyroid from becoming an interuption to life as we know it.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! .... I'm almost doing the same, I mean I'm basically on the medication and nothing else, and waiting for things to settle down. I got too much right eye protrusion, though the left one is just fine. I see my doc next month, and I don't know what I land up next. I don't want to go into hypo, and moreover I don't have too much info on this all, I basically started to look up only now. I'd been running away from it, and now I guess I need to run after it.. take care :)
