Just got the call I've been waiting for all week. My most recent labs, and apparently they indicate that I am HypO.
I don't have the numbers yet, my Dr. is sending me a copy of the report via mail, so I'll post them once I get them.
He reduced my dose of Methimezole to 5mg once a day (from 7.5 2xday) for a few weeks to see where that puts me, he doesn't want to cut me off completely yet. I will re-test in mid February and see from there.
I forgot to ask him while I had him on the phone, but if I'm hypo, why is my thyroid still swollen? I'm going to do some research on this and have some idea when I talk to him again after my next blood-work results, if it still is swollen at that point.
Research show that most people toady are prone to thyroid related diseases. That's why its important to take precautions like taking natural supplements to avoid it.