Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm HyPO...?

Just got the call I've been waiting for all week. My most recent labs, and apparently they indicate that I am HypO.
I don't have the numbers yet, my Dr. is sending me a copy of the report via mail, so I'll post them once I get them.

He reduced my dose of Methimezole to 5mg once a day (from 7.5 2xday) for a few weeks to see where that puts me, he doesn't want to cut me off completely yet.  I will re-test in mid February and see from there.

I forgot to ask him while I had him on the phone, but if I'm hypo, why is my thyroid still swollen? I'm going to do some research on this and have some idea when I talk to him again after my next blood-work results, if it still is swollen at that point.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Not feeling that great...

The past few weeks have been stressful, but the way I'm feeling is starting to get to me.
I have the shooting pains almost constantly again, I'm grinding and clenching my teeth at night to the point that they hurt all day. I've been getting headaches too, right behind my eyes and they last for hours. I'm not sleeping well either lately, maybe three hours at a time...and I wake up with a very stiff neck. I think I might be coming down with a cold on top of all this... Grrr. =[
I am Supposed to get my lab results today... Very curious as to what my levels will be. I've been on the same dose of 7.5mg/2x day of Methimezole for three months now... My goiter seems to fluctuate in size day by day, makes me even more curious about my levels...
I'll update as soon as I hear...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

=) Thank you God!

I am so very grateful today.
My Endo was so wonderful. I feel so comfortable with him, I was able to talk about how I feel and know that he listened. I am actually looking forward to going back to him and get a true game-plan in place.

I got blood drawn this afternoon and will get the results around the 24th as my Endo is on vacation next week. We will see what medication dosage needs to be then.

With feeling my throat, he said his estimate is that my Thyroid probably weighs about 43grams and for a woman of my age (25 y/o), it should normally be around 25grams - WOW!!!! Almost Twice the Size!!!  SCARY! (to me...)

As of right now, I'm scheduled to go back in six months because he hasn't seen updated labs and will change that if necessary or at the least, we will talk over the phone. =) Very cool to me that this an option...I dislike having to go into an office so often, esp. now as he's a half hour away.

I was also given a website to check out here, it is a joint effort of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American College of Endocrinology. I am looking forward to see what this site has to offer.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Yay! Dr. appointment tomorrow

I am feeling the most exited I think I've ever felt about going to a Dr. I just hope that I am not disappointed!
 The last visit I had to my previous Endo was Nov. 1, 2010... I get to see my diagnosing Dr. tomorrow for this first time in over a year.
I am planning to go in with all my accumulated knowledge and keep my feet planted about my care... If this Dr. doesn't listen, then I'll look for a new one!