Thursday, August 19, 2010


I feel so out of wack today! I woke up feeling confused and disoriented which, upon getting not so good news, turned into aggravation and dismay. As the day progressed, I have become quite aggressive in my thoughts. If someone says the wrong thing to me, I think I might actually snap back at them. My feelings are not toward anyone or anything specifically, just a general dislike for everything. But as usual, these feelings are coming in waves. One minute I'll be fine, the next, ready to break something.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Phew! =] =[

My Dr. said that my levels looked good at my visit last week. =] So she decreased my dose of Methimezole to 20mg/day. Since then, I've been all out of whack!! Not sure where to start...

Ok, Hmmm.  I'm not sleeping well again. Pains in my arms are just getting worse.  Feeling fidgety all the time again, acne is getting bad and my sense of smell is stronger than Ever!!! I also feel my throat is swollen a bit, not bad, just annoying. My body temp. changes are drastic and unpredictable. Ugh! I'm not sure about my moods, I'll have to ask my husband...

I will now be going back to my Dr. more frequently again. =( I hope that we can get this figured out soon because I do Not like feeling like this.

I'm almost out of my prescription of Vitamin D, Dr. said that my deficiency is all cleared up...
Although I will still have take otc 1,000 units/day once I am out of the script...

We shall see how things go from here on out...

I forgot to ask my Dr. about my eyes, but plan on getting an eye appt. soon anyway...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ugh! What a month.

Two weeks ago, I went to the ER for an urinary tract infection, got the meds but felt awful for over a week and a half. =( Then this weekend was the start of "hell". On top of the end of the UTI and Cramps from my worse than ever period, my husband and I both got food poisoning. Yuck! My body feels like giving up. I'm still exhausted and my stomach is still churning a bit.

The last few days I've noticed that I have what my first thought was pink-eye, but just glazed over red blotches, especially along the bottom "outside"  of my iris. My eyes constantly feel dry and it's been increasingly difficult to focus on the computer or TV.  I'm starting to wonder if I'm getting the beginning of TED. Glad I'm going to my Endo next week. Maybe she'll have some insight, then I will make an eye doctor appointment, if I can find one. 
I've been feeling emotionally better, other than PMS. So I am curious if my levels have come down some more. Got blood drawn this morning...fingers are crossed and knees are on the floor.
I'll update what I find out next week.